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ducks in the backyard

pat was working yesterday in the back yard and discovered a duck nest and eggs. so before the final (thank goodness) play production we went off to find it. nate had to play with the rocks first.
nathaniel really enjoys having a backyard of dirt, rocks and sticks.

there in the tree truck chris found the nest

momma duck sitting on her nest

then chris scared her away and we saw her eggs.
now i will keep an eye on the nest and wait for the eggs to hatch...and make sure that the nest is not moved.
last night was the final performance. wheee. i am DONE. chris is at the church tonight for the FINAL wed night for summer. i am thinking chris will take me out to dinner thurs to catch-up with each other.
we are *crossing fingers and toes* that the landscaping will be done this week. i can't wait to have grass, and flowers and no DIRT!