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 we had some t.v time the other day.  love joey's goofy smile when she sees the camera
 love this bonus baby
 tues night, i had to run errands, so i took nate with me and rewarded him with a hot dog, then took him to his class...while i grabbed a coffee and caught up with a friend!
 so happy about this bad boy
 i didnt eat it, but instead went home and had.....chicken!  i know, shocking isn't it!
 yesterday i went to grab a snack for jo and saw the back of her head.  the first thought popped in my head was....WHERE DID MY BABY GO???????"  she's totally a toddler now
 eating her snack. all by herself
 and pleased as punch by it
 see!  she doesnt need me anymore!
 sob sob
 we hit up the library before school got out.  i was able to meet some home schoolers, its nice to go to the library at 2 and know they home school and strike up a conversation with them...i ended up meeting a nice couple
 joey played puzzles, ellie played with everything else
 and put on a show for some of the kids
 johana doing the perfect squat
 and making friends with the other ladies there
 and played until it was time to take nate to chris.  nate played with some other home school kids and read while his sisters played. i can not wait for SPRING and parks!!!!