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i determined that i was going to find local spots to visit. we found another beach! this one is 30 mins from the house and is pretty much used by locals and not tourists.  
there is a 5 min walk from the parking to the beach. actually its not a parking lot, its a marsh area
beautiful sandy beach!

we didnt swim this day, just walked 
joey loves to paint my toes. ha i dont mind. she also loves all things girly. facials, make up, fashion etc...
more painting! 

the day finally happened!  the last ever zoo camp!  this is a milestone!  we attended zoo camp for 12 years. nate started in kinder and joey/ellie finished this year. its hard to get it, there only 8 spots. i figured its time to close this chapter and give our spots to other kids and start a new chapter

nate picked up his gear. so. much. gear!

he starts boot camp ju;y 22-aug 22. he's training out of gagetown. im not ready for this!

taking the girls to the mall....such girls they are 

look how big pete's getting!!!!!
more painting!