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science fair!

this is the 14? 20th? who knows....annual science fair.  i was shocked by the response. i had 37 kids registered!  we had 18 projects show up!  im thinking next year i will make some changes to adapt to the larger crowds.  sue made up the cute clipboards and booklet.  i didnt take pics of the kids due to privacy issues and all that but i did try to get most of the projects

we had rocks, geo's, special rocks etc...

joey's project!
we brought pete even though hes not a rex rabbit!
solar eclipse
soil nutrients 

taking notes from each project

ocean floor

this one was fun! it was magic tricks!
water filtering 
ducks! with ducks!

chickens, chicks and the process of hatching an egg

building engineering 

marble ramp/industrial development 

some of the projects before set up was finished

a diy foundry!  i happened to visit this family the wk before the fair and he was outside building it with his dad, so it was neat to see the finished project at the fair! 
chris came in and did some FUN science experiments. the kids loved it.  not only was he excited to be could tell. the kids were really interested!

the kids then got awards, certificated and prizes. no pics cause i was handing those out!  

another science fair in the books!  lots of buzz for next year!