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the last of oct

we had a play date and she left her name. hahaha i LOVE finding these kinds of things. nothing that cant be painted over. 

With being away a lot this yr, i stepped back from teaching classes.  I ran a few in oct and one in Dec.  this was the painted turtles on a beach painting 

with a puppy pic tossed in.  
chris finished the outside work of the house in Oct.  the siding is FINISHED.  we ended up going with cheapest we could find siding for the wood shed and the addition.  one day when we plan on covering the house with wooden siding 
wood shed/chris's office back is plastic siding

back of the house


i had chris set up the poster boards for the school yr. please note that he no longer used a level when hanging pictures and such for me. im like "just eye ball it!"

always expect puppy pics. because i love her too pieces! and shes adorable!
this pic.  the start of what we thought was a simple uti infection...a simple dose of medication will fix that right on up.  wrong.  joey came down with a bug a few days before i flew out.  after a dr's appointment we started her on prescription meds.  she got better.  i got ready for my trip.