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much to our dog's dismay we didnt get a whole lot of snow this yr.  the dogs too up every opportunity to lay on the snow, in the cold.  their happy place. where i watched from the inside of the house! 

the girls and i on our way to another class. cant remember which one! 

while i make supper, joey crafts.  she made these!  

arch break we stayed around town.  the original plan was to stay home and do school bec of our long break in florida.  that didnt work out too well. jas was in town making it hard for nate to study and there was a few march break activities we wanted to participate in.  i am making a point to connect more with the local homeschool groups and community activates.  so this day we went to the library where we paint and poured 
i like the no mess on my end. ha 
ellie! resting her face on my knees while i was trying to read. haha 
evening snuggles with meeka
with jas in town i hit up my friend aprils house. she has a mini hobby farm and was getting some new animals...mostly babies! 
bunnies and goats
jas feeding the goats

more goats
baby sheep!!!
we bottle fed the babies!

yes. in the house, with diapers on! they were 2 wks old and too young to go outside.
skye love!  when meeka isnt around! 
cousin visit!
meeka all curled up
quinn took me driving!