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my sis and i went to our homeland! Ireland!  We had the most epic trip together.  we packed in as much as humanely possible!  We ended up relaxing most evenings in our castle hotels, which turned out to be one of the highlights for me!

We drove to Boston where we did a park and fly.  and shopping....duh....haha  i snapped the traditional border pic....and for the first time ever! i packed carry on ONLY!  we did some packing research and put thought into what we brought. and i embraced the art of packing light!  now im hooked  om it!

my back pack had more in it than my bag. i had to save room for my boots and shopping over seas! 
cry did the same!

we flew air linages for the first time and they are now my favorite!  not only were they ON time, the aircraft was roomy! they gave each person pillows and blankets!  we had 2 full meals and snacks.  our flight was overnight, flying out at 10pm boston time landing in Dublin at 4 their time.  our plan was to sleep as much as possible on the plane so once we land we can take a nap in the car and spend the day visiting dublin....which didnt work in we didnt sleep on the plane

4 am. no sleep!
coffee ASAP after landing!  we got our car, dropped our bags off tried to nap. didnt work.  then we headed out on foot to visit the city
we took the bus to the city center and walked to the museum.  EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum | Home ( 
where we found our name!

we absolutely LOVED the museum.  it was prob the top 5 of museums ive been to. and i love my museums.  after that we grabbed more caffeine.  we chose starbucks bec at this point i hadn't figured out the proper name of american coffee in ireland...or rather what i wanted 
we walked the down town center.  which is so much like halifax!!  it was really neat to see the place we've heard so much about, seeing your name, the architect was similar to home, the food was very much like the food i grew up on 

we decided to spend the afternoon on a tour bus.  which was a fantastic idea bec it was windy and we were tired!  we sat up top and listened to the guide speak of his beloved city.  

so much history and stories were told

a wee bit windy 

after the tour it was starting to get dark, so we went back to the airport and jumped into our rental.  we had a good 2 hour drive to our first castle hotel....