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florida pt 1

we scored stupid cheap tickets to orlando, so come on!  we had to go!  we told the kids we were NOT doing the big things in florida but instead just relaxing. and we did! and it was amazing! and enjoyable!  chris won the record for the most amount of screens used in 1 day.  16 HOURS!  chris came out of his room to eat and thats about all we saw him. i spent my time reading!  the kids were in the pool and aunty was with me most days....shawn? where was he? oh on his and dad? well they went to the hospital where mom was admitted and stayed the night.  thank you jesus for health insurance!  we had a great time. actually, I had a great time., ill go back....with the girls. next time nate and chris are staying home.

after ireland i decided to try light packing with all of us and guess what?  we all did carry on only!  this is how im packing from now on!  

the top pic is ellie's clothing and toiletries for 2 WEEKS! in a make up bag!  i got all of joey's clothing in a LUNCH bag!  

we drove to boston and did the park and fly.  we had a later flight so we chilled at the airport.  the girls had unlimited screens for this trip and did they ever choose to use them!  
the adults in a row
the girls together 
me with these goof balls 
and we had a friend behind us! 
nate....very um....interesting?!

quinn and i with the lavatory!  cheap seats meant last few rows....haha  who cares! 
the house was massive.  2 king suites with balconies, 2 queen suites, 6 bedrooms...or something....5 bathrooms....redic. we had enough space to split up

the girls roomed together. their bathroom was so neat and tidy! (NOT!!!) 

pool time is reading time!