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i joined moms club.  we meet on tuesday mornings. and i love it!  i wanted something "just for me" to attend this school yr.  that turned into a family thing.  nate volunteered in the nursery.  which the ladies loved having him.  that actually turned into a great friendship! nate would meet with his "nana's" each week, they shared struggles and life and the ladies prayed for him wkly.  they grew quite close and it was so nice to see nate connect with the moms....and how cute is he with the toddlers!

they put on a christmas concert for us.  ellie and joey ended up joining the homeschool group. and i ended up helping towards the end of the school yr.  mom's club will be a high light for next yr as well

just a girl, playing scrabble with her dogs 
i hosted a create youre own nativity set for the homeschool group.  it was a big hit.  the kids were SO creative in their sets!