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dublin last day

we walked around downtown for a bit, did some more site seeing, shopping and coffee before we headed back to the castle hotel for our last night.  we spent the night having a quiet dinner, a swim in the spa and packing....sob sob 

my store! 
waiting for my sister, not wanting to go home
this!  why dont we have this in canada????  
as we dropped the car off, i smacked my forhead on the corner of the trunk!!!! 
see that bruise coming in????
going home....waaaaaa

the flight home was as great as the one we took there!  great food! blankets, pillows, snacks and on time!  because we flew carry on only we didnt have to deal with baggage.  so much better!  the original plan was to land in boston grab the car and drive to bangor for the night.  about 3 hrs from boston we started rethinking our plan....instead of staying the night in the hotel, arriving around 9 pm....if we drive to my house we will get there around 3 am....we could save some money andcrash at my place.....which we did!  we ended up driving to my house, arrived around 3:45 and crashed.  

i was excited to see the family, chris, kids and my DOGS!!!!!!!

i bought a small gift for each person and a bunch of irish treats that we all shared!  we quite enjoyed that!  
meeka was soooooo happy to have me home.  she would not leave my side!
i missed her too!
i love her 

and......chris got me a surprise while i was away!  he found a female berner who needed to be rehomed.  he brought her back and this dog!  this dog is the goofiest, silliest most lovable bear!  we have had her now for 6 months and she fits right on in!  she was fearful and scared at first but slowly over time she relaxed and fits in perfectly.  shes the dumbest, loveable and durpy dog ever.  she follows me with meeka all day.  shes in the woods and outside with me, lost a lot of weight and is living her best life with us.  i love her!  i do have to be careful with meeka, she gets sad....hahaha
sky and meeka!
sad meeka