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another day. another dr appointment wait! this time there was a play area for the girls to hang out in!
nate joined the reserves!  i took him in for his testing.  nate filling out the paperwork before the academic testing 
after!  nate scored in the hightest ranks and can choose where and what he would like to do military wise.  he went back a month late to take the physical. which he "slayed"....haha  my baby!  in the military!  

we made bird houses with the kids at mom's club.  i asked chris to help me cut up the wood. he showed me how to do it and i finished up on my own 
we had 1 power drill for the tricky screws but had the kids out the houses together by screw drivers.  we were wanting to work on patience, hard work and finishing a project even when its "too hard" they did great! 
2 puppies in my backseat!
