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part 2!

interesting sign we saw in dublin...

now to navigate the roads, the car and do it on NO sleep!  cry like the beast she is crushed it.  remember, the roads are opposite, the car is opposite the gear shift is also backwards!  we did the drive as it got dark.  i didnt take pics that night bec i was exausted!  i grab pics the next day 

from the passenger side on the LEFT
our first castle.  when we originally booked this trip we didnt expect to stay at nice places and took "castle" with a pinch of salt....until after the 3rd one we realized it was LIGIT castles we were staying in!  I truly enjoyed roaming the halls!  
the first castle was the biggest, redic. i got lost. a few times....

one of the doors
inside pics 

it was fantastic. we got to the room and CRASHED for 10 hours of solid sleep!  
we jumped in the car in the morning and drove to the local "walmart" where we grabbed breakfast on the road and coffee.  proper coffee. and from the rest of the trip our go to for food.  we grabbed snacks for the afternoon. 

day 2 was spent in Slieve and Dongual.  the day was perfect!  

trying to get use to these TINY, left driving roads!

we drove the coast and found some sheep, lots and lots of sheep

i had coffee with the sheep
i now want sheep
look at all those cute sheep!  Baaaaa Baaaaa  lets get some sheep chris!  

we took a little stroll up the hill 

my sister, leading the charge!  

going a wee bit higher

where we found MORE sheep!  it was a fantastic walk up a hill.....hahaha