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going for a walk

 i just love her. hahaha  i love having her with me. hes such a funny chatter box. she now refers to nate as "my nathaniel"

we went for a walk the other night.  elmo came. ellie lead the way
 love her face. she loves her dad so much
 running through the woods
 running on the trail
 snuggles with mama
johana cut 2 more teeth last week. she has about 6 now? not sure....haha with the 3rd you just go with it....

last night chris called me to the lap top where he told me that i was behind on blogging and that its unacceptable to go 4 days with out an update, how was he suppose to know what we do during the day? im like dude, talk to me...ask me....hahaha

so there the blog is updated. the kids are growing, life is crazy good. 


Jonathan said...

I hear you, Copper cried like he never cried before the past two days and this morning cut his top 2 teeth :) and he's back to normal now! whew!

Anonymous said...

Mel, I haven't had a chance to tell you it's delightful being able to read your blog again, so many thanks to your dear Chris.

Aunt Shirley

PS we had a spectacular month at the cottage, the weather was made for cottage life,we would have loved to had a visit from you and family. Maybe next year.

mel said...

teething is not fun, but i rather that over toddler freak outs! haha glad copper is better! cant wait to see him on sunday!

aunt s! so glad to hear from you, i think chris took the challenge to set you up and figure it out, so he can say he did it! oya that was a mess, but we are glad you are back! let us know when you are going to the island next yr! maybe we can camp there?

Jonathan said...

Let us know too Aunt Shirley, maybe we can all tee up a weekend to go camping, Crystal and I went to PEI a couple weeks back, if I knew you where there I'd of stopped by :(

Anonymous said...

We go every August for the month, this year was spectacular, take a look at my Facebook timeline for some pictures I took, I would be so delighted to have my family at the cottage for a reunion, nieces, nephew, their spouses, sister and her hubby, and all the beautiful children