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 such a little girl in a big bed!  we spend each morning in bed snuggling while jo sleeps and nate plays video games.  i cherish our alone time

and johana.  this would be her in the markers AGAIN!  she LOVES to take all the caps off and eat markers! 
 she is very pleased with her handi work!
 we had another dusting of snow on tues.  schools were canceled again, but not our school! haha  i took the kids out to run errands and was actually quite in love with the beautiful morning.  it was such a nice, quiet drive with clean, fresh snow
 then i picked chris up for a coffee break.  i love that all the kids fit in my little car
 i kinda straightened ellies hair. she fought me the whole time, so i just did a quick job.  her hair is so long!
 the front
 she's still beautiful. curls or straight. reading books on my left
 and jo on my right