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 ellie painting a picture. she is getting so good at staying in the lines, she is def more into the arts than her brother ever was!

this is a total answer to prayer. 2 wks ago, nates best neighborhood buddy moved to ontario.  this left a huge void in nates day. nate is a social child, meaning he loves to have someone to play with, and sometimes im more thinking its not so much a person to play with but someone to keep him entertained. its frustrating at times. anyways. i told nate that there are a dozen homes for sale in the area and ill just pray that someone moves in...and voila the next day the door bell rings, its nates old friend devon who lives 2 streets down. normally he is in day care until 5 and then has hockey making him not available much, anyways, wouldnt you know it. his mom is taking time off and he's home this summer!  every day this wk the door bell rings and in walks devon.  i love this kid. he's a total boys boy/mixed teddy bear. he LOVES to be outside, making things in the shop, riding his bike/scooter and playing OUTSIDE. even in the rain. he is a only child, and loves the life in our home.  i totally dont mind him over every day.  anyways, how that to a total answer to prayer!!!
 chris has been sick all week, but mon he took some time to build this automatic dinosaur with nate.  its the neatest thing!
 chris looks pleased with himself. ha
 i was cleaning up the breaky dishes this am and i heard the best sound ever. laughter and giggles from the girls. i went over and clicked this.  love that they play together!