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sunny day!

 i packed the kiddos up and went to the park, chris joined us for lunch and we had a enjoyable time!  i honestly, don't match the kids clothing....hahaha

we put jo jo in the fountain. she LOVED it, not that she's smiley on the norm (haha) but she went nuts, kicking and laughing. so fun to watch her discover, she is so different from the other 2!
 haha nate. he's jumping in fountains, climbing trees and being a boy!
 my little world
 i caught this going down. ellie needed help with her pants after a pee, nate saw that she was struggling, jumped off his chair, pulled up and snapped her pants and went back to playing.  i never asked him to do it. he just did it.  my heart
 i found nate the other morning, outside, with his feet up reading a book
 i called his name and he waved. haha
loving summer!  if we get sun that is!