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more kids

 johana bug!  moving, crawling, and looking adorable

i sent the kids outside to play and found them like this

 johana adorable johana
 she sees you
 eating her cheerio's!
 life is good
 ellie taking a drive with her baby
 such a card
 after chris left this am, we had a dance party. so fun, the kids LOVED it. johana was laughing and giggling.  i pounded the music and we went nuts
 then i took the girls to the park (nate was at a friends house)
i've spent the week cleaning and purging and cleaning.  a friend is having a yard sale to raise money for her boys to go to camp, so i sent chris over with a VAN full of stuff. i mean FULL of stuff.  im not done, i still have 3 more rooms to hit and 2 more bags in the garage waiting for her.  i think ill be able to send her kids to camp with all my stuff. haha

life is crazy beautiful!